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Our Service Contracts keep your entire system running at peak efficiency. Start saving money on fuel, and add years to the life of your equipment.

Solar space heating can offset anywhere from 30% to 70% of your heating needs. Learn more about Solar Water Heating.

Radiant heat is one of the most comfortable and efficient ways to heat your home. Learn more about Radiant Heating Systems.

We offer an ultra-sonic, testing service to ensure your above-ground fuel tank is safe. Protect or replace your oil tank.

We can install your new tank(s), add another tank, remove your old in-ground tank, or inspect your current tank with the latest tank-testing technology. We utilize digital, ultra-sonic testing equipment, combined with software analysis, to provide accurate information regarding the integrity of you tank.

Many older tanks do not have the proper size fill and vent to handle modern delivery trucks. Today`s trucks pump at a minimum of 60 gallons per minute. If your tank and fill system is not maintained correctly, you could experience an accidental oil release from over-pressurization of your tank.

Old in-ground tanks may be abandoned if no longer being used, but need to be inspected and filled in. We generally prefer to remove the tank, completely, as it is a permanent and generally less expensive solution. We fill in the hole with our own material, and landscape the surface back to “better than before” condition, quickly allowing the customer to “move on”.

New tanks need to be installed properly in order to insure safety, and serviceability. Many contractors don`t take into consideration, tank placement, fill placement, or dual tank fill and vent options. Let Village Oil take care of your tank needs, for peace of mind for years to come.

Take a look at D.E.C.s website on the subject: