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Our Service Contracts keep your entire system running at peak efficiency. Start saving money on fuel, and add years to the life of your equipment. |
Solar space heating can offset anywhere from 30% to 70% of your heating needs. Learn more about Solar Water Heating. |
Radiant heat is one of the most comfortable and efficient ways to heat your home. Learn more about Radiant Heating Systems. |
We offer an ultra-sonic, testing service to ensure your above-ground fuel tank is safe. Protect or replace your oil tank. |
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The Multi-Flo is a compact, efficient, self-contained, waste-water treatment system, designed to dispose of sewage by means of aerobic digestion and filtration, and can be used for both residential and commercial properties. The result is clear, odorless water, 95% sewage free! Thanks to its durable, lightweight construction, the Multi-Flo system can be installed in almost any location, even those with limiting factors. Most of all, Multi-Flo offers the highest quality of any waste-water treatment system in its class…simply the best! The Multi-Flo offers: quiet operation, no odor, no owner maintenance, low operational cost, minimal space requirements, and a two year warranty. |